What is DRaaS?

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) helps to protect your critical business data and applications by replicating your infrastructure to a secure and resilient cloud location.

This means getting operational again after a disaster can take place almost instantly within a virtualised environment, whilst your primary systems are restored. This reduces downtime and varying levels of disruption, from loss of productivity to a complete loss of data, which could result in the business being wound up.

Fortunately, this has never been the case for any of our clients but is not unheard of. Often, it is not because it’s a direct result of the event either – it can happen indirectly, through lessened cash flow or the damage to reputation and relationships with suppliers and clients. It’s a serious problem and should not be ignored.

How ready are you for a disaster striking
your organisation?

When thinking about disaster recovery planning, we’d encourage any IT decision-makers to consider the following five questions as a means
of gauging their readiness

  • Do you have a disaster recovery plan in place to protect your business?
  • Do you know how to test the integrity of your data and, if yes, when you last tested it?
  • Is your data backed up off-site in case an incident occurs?
  • How long would it take your organisation to recover your systems?
  • Do you know the true cost of the downtime associated with a disaster, in both lost productivity and reputational damage with your customers?

If you answer ‘no’ to any of these questions, then you should consider a managed disaster recovery service.

Why work with us.


Industry leading BDR solutions

We partner with industry-leading experts and vendors to deliver the most reliable and resilient backup and business continuity solutions.


Fully certified

We’re fully certified and all our technicians are trained to support your Backup and Recovery requirements.

Free IT Audit

We’re here to help you get the most from your technology - our free IT audit
will help you build the right foundations for your future growth and success.